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Shadow Shot Sunday 2: Ceiling Fan

Still abed 
I notice shadows
above me.

Due to friend GB's question, 
I looked more closely
at my shadow shot.
Oops!  This is not the fan in my bedroom!
It's in a church.  
Note to self: look at details
before posting!

Here's my new haiku:
Looking more closely,
note church fans spinning as if
a dizzying top.

more Top Shots here
more shadows here
and SOOC here


Sylvia K said…
What a fun shadow shot, Norma, and from abed!! Proves they're everywhere you want to look! I love it! Hope your weekend is off to a great start!
Nonnie said…
it's a quiet start, Sylvia, but this afternoon I'll be watching twin grandsons playing soccer.
Chubby Chieque said…
What a cool shot! 5 in 1, I can see.

Happy SSS,
/CC girl
NatureFootstep said…
that´s a cool shadow. Love it.
You keep your camera in bed with you? :)
Hootin Anni said… first glance I thought it was a builder's level.

This is amazing.

Hootin' Anni's Tin Man Shadow
Gemma Wiseman said…
Now that's different! Like shadow echoes above you!
Ralph said…
Nice - five fans should keep one cool in the summer. As long as there are really five fans up there that is...
namaki said…
the fans is quite a creative shot !
genie said…
YOu never know what cool images you are going to see when you just look UP! Thanks Nonnie for the visits to my blog. genie
Anonymous said…
Great idea and cool photo ~ very creative ~ ^_^
Nonnie said…
you know what? reading your question, I looked at my photo again, oops! I have taken a photo of the fan above my bed, but...this image is in church! there is only one fan where I aimed, but there are other fans up there. I am laughing at myself, not quite out loud, but in my head, I'm asking, "Nonnie, do you look at the details?" I think not.
Anonymous said…
One fan with shadows is more than one... :)
Jori said…
How cool! I love the multiple shadows!
Chubskulit Rose said…
How quaint the shadow it created on the ceiling!

My Shadow Shots
Your comment is always appreciated, have a blessed Sunday!
Wow! A quadruple shadow! Glad you looked up.

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