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Shadow Shot Sunday: Shadow on a Drawing, Update

I had not been to our local mall for quite some time.
I was pleased to see a new shop selling beautiful handmade items.
Profits go to the artist. 

Since this store is so new,
I am sorry that I don't remember its name.
I looked for it on the Muncie Mall web site, but
it's not on it. I am hoping that the store
will still be there 
when I next go to the mall.
Upon closer investigating,
I realized that the window display
was all about the horrors
of human trafficking.
More information 
can be found on this site
for Indiana.
Information for other states 
can be found here.

other shadows may be viewed here
I fret sometimes about my memory.
For instance, when I did the upper post,
I asked myself, "Self, why on earth
would I not capture the name of the store?"
Self had nothing to say.
Luckily, today I was searching
for a photo to go with another meme.
Behold, I found the other photos 
I took that had to do 
with human trafficking shared
by this wonderful store in our mall.
Human trafficking is an example
of how inhuman humans
can be towards each other.
Here are the photos; 
I hope they speak to your heart.


What a creative shadow shot ^_^
manyslices said…
It seems whenever I read up on Christian sites human trafficking is being talked about. That's a good thing. Stores like these at your mall are so wonderful because it gives a way for people who feel horrified but helpless to contribute to help prevent or heal the affects of this sin.
Great bold post!
Lea said…
Just inconceivable to me that this happens... thanking you for shedding some light on this shadow Nonnie...
Norma Ruttan said…
it's really a dark one for our world, isn't it?
Chubskulit Rose said…
The world is full of mysteries.. Even shadows shows it.

Late hopping from Shadow Shot Sunday.

Your comment on my SHADOW entry will be greatly appreciated!

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