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Weekend Reflections #185

clock and vintage pics,
celebrating family
with warm memories

On the clock,
the words read,
"The Ruttan family
established 1958."

enjoy James' Weekend Reflections here
and Haiku My Heart


That is a fine reflection in that antique clock, but I also like the photo handing next to it of the fellow sitting on the fender of a 1955(?) MG-TF, a unique and fun automobile.
'Tsuki said…
That is such a lovely clock ! I like how it is surround with old family photos : that is so cosy !
TexWisGirl said…
nice, quaint corner!
Sylvia K said…
Great reflection for the day, Norma!! Hope you have a lovely weekend! Enjoy!
Nonnie said…
that fellow is my late husband. I met him when he no longer owned that MG gem!
Nonnie said…
thank you, Tsuki, I love those photos! our last family portrait was done in b&w too; only the corner can be seen in this image.
Nonnie said…
thank you, I like the descriptive word you used!
gma said…
NatureFootstep said…
vintage reflections. Lovely. :)
Priti Lisa said…
Wonderful wall collage, Norma.
Memories make some of the very best artwork ♥♥
Fun60 said…
Love the reflection in the clock and all those wonderful photos surrounding it.
joanne said…
thanx for such a lovely post....
Anonymous said…
Lovely photos for Reflections ~ creative ^_^
Anonymous said…
A walk down memory lane can be comforting and sad at once. Thanks for sharing a tiny corner of your vintage memories!
Holy Anthem
rebecca said…
dear nonnie,
what could be sweeter than the voices, images and memories of our dear families?
thank you for sharing yours.
Nonnie said…
thankfully, wabisabi, I get comfort more than sadness when I look at that wall!
Nonnie said…
thank you, dear Rebecca, that is so true.

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