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A Hymn for Memorial Day

I find this hymn in the Monday, May 27, devotion
of the May 2013 issue“Magnificat” so fitting for today.
Remember, Lord, the fallen
Who died in fields of war,
In flaming clouds, in screaming crowds,
On streets that are no more,
That we today might waken
And greet this day in peace
With grateful prayer for those who bear
The storms that never cease.

Remember friends and strangers,
And those forgotten now,
Whose names are known to you alone, 
Before whose love we bow
And ask that you surround them
With mercy’s endless light
That they may live, and we forgive
The foe they went to fight.

Remember, Lord, the living,
Who bear the pain of loss-
A death she died who stood beside
 Her Son upon the cross.

Remember all your children,
The dead and those who weep,
And make us one beneath the sun
Where love will never sleep.

May each of you have a peaceful
and safe Memorial Day.

photo taken on Walmart's
parking lot near the display of flowers

my husbands'
term of service plate on his grave


Reader Wil said…
Make us one beneath the sun, where love may never sleep...

That's something I wish with all my heart!
Wil, ABCW Team.

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