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Shadow Shot Sunday 2: Palm Tree

tree's shadow,
stately and lovely
palm tree stands

note: the tree stands in middle son & wife's kitchen
join Gemma this week at Shadow Shot Sunday 2

and then go to Weekly Top Shot


Sylvia K said…
I love the spiky shadow shot for the day, Norma!! Hope you're enjoying your weekend!
They have a tree in their kitchen? Whatever, it makes a beautiful shadow. And I love the brick tile!
robin. said…
great shadow shot and i love your header!!
Lisa Gordon said…
What a wonderful shadow this is.
Nicely seen and captured.
The shadow looks as though it could belong to a gigantic spider!

Bones and Shadows
Nonnie said…
Sallie, yes they do, in a giant urn!
Nonnie said…
thank you, Robin, I was compelled to snap a picture that day!
Nonnie said…
I love your idea of what it looks like!
NatureFootstep said…
palm trees gives interesting shadows.
carol l mckenna said…
Divine and elegant shadow shot! Wow! ^_^
Ralph said…
The palm looks alive in shadow - the static style of your home is enlivened by the shadow!
Karen said…
Sorta looks like a hairy alien with multiple legs :0
genie said…
Norma....I do not seem to be having anymore trouble getting to your blog. What happened to you is so upsetting. Hope it never happens again. Your shadow looks like a spider to me....just creeping along.genie
Nonnie said…
what a riot with my shadow post today with readers visualizing spiders and aliens! I love it. :)
Karen said…
Great shadow shot and top shot.
Kind of looks like a creature of some sort waiting to pounce! I love your banner-what kind of tree is that with all those white blooms? Has the shape of a weeping willow, but I dont recall seeing flowers on the ones here before they leaf out.
Nonnie said…
I believe that it is a weeping cherry blossom tree. I cannot believe that I was able to capture it when it was in the state of perfection, or at least I think it was.
Anonymous said…
Very impressive shadow. It almost looks like a monster!

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