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ABC Wednesday: U as in Unique

The definition of the word 'unique,' 

according to the Oxford Dictionary:
adjective- being the only one of its kind; 
unlike anything else

One could say that each of these
roses is unique.
Not one is exactly
like the other in this bouquet
because they are not 
or man-made.
That is a quality
that I love about
 Each of us is unique,
even identical twins
are not exactly alike
in every way. 
Yet, the word unique
is being bandied about
on radio, television and 
in the written media
as if it is an adjective 
with degrees of quality.
As in, It's the most unique
home we've seen.
Is it important that the definition
of unique
is being lost?  
I believe that it is.
Why bother having definitions 
if the meanings of words
are no longer important?
Please, I know that
new words and meanings
are constantly being added due
to new discoveries and new inventions.
But is the media telling us
that there is nothing unique
left in this world?

What's your take on my 
distress about our language?
Is it frivolous?
Or a serious concern?

As the great-grandmother
of a charming, unique
little girl and who will
use any opportunity to share her personality,
I present Myah
dancing to music:

linking to the unique Roger,
gracious host of ABC Wednesday


Reader Wil said…
Hi Norma! Thank you for your unique post and for showing your gorgeous greatgranddaughter.
Wil, ABCW Team
Unknown said…
With new discoveries and inventions, maybe we need a new word for what truly is "unique".
And it is that UNIQUENESS that makes life interesting.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Nonnie said…
that's true and how I feel, Roger.
Leslie: said…
It's important to celebrate the uniqueness of each one.

abcw team
Unknown said…
uniqueness in nature will never be two flower, or two leaves are the same. i agree with Leslie, let's celebrate the uniqueness of each one.

U is for...
I love the choice of unique - this post was certainly that. And thank you for the glimpse of your adorable great-granddaughter!
photowannabe said…
I was going to say almost the same thing that Roger posted.
Life would be so boring if we were all the same.
beautiful and thought provoking post!
Nonnie said…
thank you, Caren! I hope your health is improving.
Joy said…
Yes you are right, an overused word by the media but not in nature as we celebrate its matchless beauty.
Joy - ABC Team
Anonymous said…
Unique is a wonderful word :-)

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