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ABC Wednesday: Xerostomia

using the dry hill
as an example of my
mouth's inside regions

have eXcellent fun
by heading over to
ABC Wednesday for more
'X' words!

I told my doctor that I
constantly suffered from dry mouth,
xerostomia as
I discovered on Phrontistery today.
He explained that one particular
medication I take could be responsible for it.
His solution? Drink more water!
Of course, if I cared to read all the pages
of side effects of all my medications,
I'd probably want to forego them.


WHOA! eXcellent word!
I drank a LOT of water the last two days...

Leslie: said…
Isn't that so annoying when you have to take a certain medication, it causes dry mouth? I switched from taking one I need from morning to evening and it helped.

abcw team
Hildred said…
More water, - the answer to many medical problems!
Carver said…
Staying hydrated is always a good idea. Great word for X. Carver, ABC Wed. Team
Nana Jo said…
Great metaphorical photo to illustrate your Xerostomia. Nice word, that ... rolls off the tongue!
Kate said…
Wonderful "X" word and a common complaint. My medications do not make me eXuberant nor even remotely happy with all the side effects. Better than the alternative, tho! Kate, ABC Team
Ann said…
Now that's a great X word, I'm always searching for X words and they are so far in between. NO to answer your question, there is NO human in there, its just a figure made of cones.
Nonnie said…
Ann, I found this word at
thank you for answering my question, I appreciate it.
Nonnie said…
I feel the same way, Kate. But now I'm reading a book called Clean by Alejandro Junger that may offer alternatives. My granddaughter gifted me with it. We'll see.
Haha, that's a wonderful X and I love the analogy to one's parched mouth!:)
Graham Edwards said…
Golly gosh Norma. There's a word I never thought I'd learn.

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