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Haiku My Heart: Garden of Loveliness

flow'rs in abundance,
stirring my heart to twitter
with idyllic bliss!

linking happily to 


Karen said…
Spring is a time for bliss!
Maggie Grace said…
Lavender and purple salvia are my favorite garden flowers. I love every bloom as your haiku describes. Beautiful.
Spadoman said…
Looks like a lovely garden. A splendid place to behold. I can sense the fragrance. Very nice.

Priti.Lisa said…
Flowers are the best invention!
Your garden is such a happy place♥♥♥
peggy gatto said…
So light and lovely. I feel the same away about flowers!!!
Love your beautiful banner picture!
Stephanie said…
lovely!! how I adore this time of year
Norma Ruttan said…
thank you! It's my deck garden.
Norma Ruttan said…
invented by God who stands head and shoulders above the rest of us! this lovely garden is at the entrance of my parish church.
Norma Ruttan said…
I'm drawn to both purple and pink flowers!

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