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Haiku My Heart: Love

what is love, is it
magnetism between two
or God's hand offered?

more haikus at Rebecca's
Haiku My Heart



And the answer to your question is? :)

Sipping Stars
readinpleasure said…
Beautifully done. And the question is deep. I would go for the love of God.
Dawn Elliott said…
Love is all of the above! I adore how Mary is surrounded by all the beautiful and glorious flowers!
Maggie Grace said…
All of the above and more ♥
Gloria in CA said…
Yes I do too love how Mary is surrounded by the beautiful flowers above. Enjoyed your Haiku.:)
So divine and lovely a haiku ~ Wonderful ^_^
Norma Ruttan said…
thank you, Dawn, that's my deck.
Hazel Ceej said…
Nowadays I like to think it is God's hand offered.

Nanka said…
I am sure there is Gods hand to emote love so wonderfully!!
rebecca said…
may divine love flourish in all our expressions.
love you nonnie, and love your haiku.
Norma Ruttan said…
love you back, Rebecca!
Norma Ruttan said…
so true! thanks be...
judie said…
Yes, I think you have answered your own question. Lovely!
Marit said…
I agree with the comment above... enjoy the weekend!
Lea said…
I love this offering and gesture in your haiku... And if you do make a birdcage lamp... I hope you will show us! XO
The Artful Diva said…
lovely haiku - simple yet poignant!
Norma Ruttan said…
I will have to find one first! The cage I had for my cockatiel went to the teacher who adopted him when I retired.
Laura said…
such a beautiful offering:-)

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