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Himmelsk #142: Evening Sky

ev'ning sky,
bits of bright blue pokes
through grey clouds

Although I shot this
the same evening
only two minutes later,
I was turned
to another direction.

thanks to Petunia
who hosts Himmelsk (Heavenly)


Graham Edwards said…
I'm sorry that I haven't commented on all the posts but this evening I have at least caught up with all the posts since I last commented. I'm gradually working my way through my Blogland pals. I love your current banner photo.

You've posted quite a few clouds and skies over time and it's one of those subjects which is always fresh and full of interest.
Nonnie said…
thank you, Graham, I was grateful to see the tree in full bloom!
I don't get to every blog even every week. It takes a lot of time because we are fortunate to have so many gifted bloggers.
Karen said…
That's what I like about skywatching! It's never boring!
Steffi said…
Very beautiful photos of skies!

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