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Mornings with Mary: Project Gabriel

Gabriel Project
saves babies' lives, mothers' souls
a mission for God.

For my journal pages,
I used the following materials:
top half of a reminder to hand 
in Gabriel Project cans filled with money 
for the Project's needs to help new mothers;
(we handed out cans to the parish on Mother's Day
and had them brought back on Father's Day-
fitting days, don't you think?)

scrapbooking stickers;
photo of youngest son when he was a toddler;
remnants of a graduation announcement envelope;
bear from a thank you card;
water color wash

merrily I make my way
to Mornings with Mary


Maggie Grace said…
What a wonderful project!
Annie said…
Wonderful journal page. Valuable work. Bless you.
judie said…
How nice to have a project to help new mothers. I know there are lots who need help. It would be a wonderful feeling as a new mother in need to know that someone cares. God bless you for being involved.
Gloria in CA said…
Beautiful journal page and great project. Awesome work.:)
redondowriter said…
I hadn't heard of this project before, but I know of some L.A. projects that are similar. Great way to do service. Love your journal pages.
Norma Ruttan said…
thank you, Gloria. I'm trying to be more open in creating journal pages in an artistic way.
Norma Ruttan said…
whatever the group is called, their contributions are appreciated.
peggy gatto said…
Lovely idea!! A thoughtful project!
Rozann Schenkel said…
The more people know about it, the more they can make a difference.
Norma Ruttan said…
so true, Rozann! thank you for visiting and commenting; I appreciate it so much.
rebecca said…
dear nonnie,
i love you and your gabriel project! may love open all our hearts to the needs of others.

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