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Mornings with Mary: Virgin Mother and Infant Jesus

at Rebecca's inspirational  Recuerda Mi Corazon

“It was to a virgin woman 
that the birth of the Son of God was announced.  
It was to a fallen woman 
that His Resurrection was announced.”
~Fulton J. Sheen, Life of Christ~

The image is from
the trip made in 2005


rebecca said…
i love this quote so much. gorgeous mosaic too...
happy bright monday with mary to you nonnie dear.
Hettienne said…
After reading your post last week I went to the website of the Lourdes shrine that you visited and I found some very interesting information for my research! thank you for visitng. This week I am a bit late but please do visit! blessings Hettienne
Priti.Lisa said…
mosaics are just incredible....
what a gift to see this one in person!
Beautiful post♥♥
redondowriter said…
Ah, I have not been to Lourdes, but you helped me momentarily to feel as though I had been there. Thanks.
Norma Ruttan said…
neither have I; this shrine is in Maryland; a copy of the one in France.
somepinkflowers said…
{{ aahh...
full of Grace
i love her best in blue,
don't you ?? }}

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