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Quotography: Henry David Thoreau Quote

this marvelous array
of purple
plants a seed 
of serenity in my soul.
"An early morning walk
is a blessing for the whole day."
~Henry David Thoreau~

 wend your way


Charlotta said…
Wow, fantastic colours!
Funny you posted this ""An early morning walk
is a blessing for the whole day."
~Henry David Thoreau~

I just mentioned to my husband yesterday how I need to start taking early morning walks!
Nana Jo said…
I agree with Thoreau, and to walk in such an exquisite place... such bliss!
Lisa said…
That is most certainly true! And this would be a lovely-scented walk as well.
Visiting from Quotography.
Anonymous said…
Just stunning! I love H.D Thoreau

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