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Signs, Signs: No Smoking

sign in shop window
law to help maintain our health
smokers, keep away!

for more signs, click here


Marleen said…
I have not seen a shop window with a sign like this before, it's a good initiative.
Gemma Wiseman said…
Good to see that signs like this remind smokers to think about others!
Pat said…
It is so great to be in an establishment that bans smoking, but every once in awhile we stumble upon an area that hasn't banned smoking, like a casino on Indian land, or something. Then that is an insult to the senses!
Some people are beginning to realize how deadly tobacco is, even second hand smoke.
RedPat said…
Good one. Fewer and fewer people seem to be smoking these days.
Photo Cache said…
always remind people just in case they forgot.
Andy said…
Too bad it's not one mile :-)
Unknown said…
No smoking signs are everywhere, even here. i tease my smoker-friend that smokers have no rights anymore so she'd better stop the habit.:p

Tanya Breese said…
i can't believe how many people i still see smoking these days, after all that we know...
Nonnie said…
especially the young ones! we have a smoking ban in all public places in our county. such a relief!
MyMaracas said…
Red sign for danger. Appropriate!
Anonymous said…
Seeing more and more of those signs pop up at businesses. Even heard a bar owner on TV the other night say that he actually now has MORE business since people are no longer allowed to smoke in the bars and taverns. Who would've thought?!

Thanks for your visit and comment on my sign.


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