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Vintage Weekly # 65: My Grandma & Her Children

Momma, her brothers,
her mother and she gathered
for fam'ly portrait.

By the time
 this family portrait was taken,
my grandmother was a widow.
Most probably her brother-in-law,
owner of a photo studio
along with his wife,
took the picture.
I cannot imagine
that my grandma could afford
such a luxury.

gratefully linking
to Vintage Weekly #65
thank you, Jane,
for hosting this meme!


Fran said…
What a wonderful old photo. Thanks for dropping by my blog.
beth said…
i love old photos....and i love that you can't sleep without a bed sheet covering you, too :)
Al said…
What a great piece of family history!
Jane said…
What a lovely timeless old photo, thanks for sharing:)
Nana Jo said…
I think old photos often relate small pieces of family lore that we have forgotten or never known. Those small pieces of history are part of us. Thanks for sharing.
Nonnie said…
so true, Nana Jo! I've slowly been writing my memoirs from vintage photos.
Nonnie said…
thank you, Caren. I hope that healthwise you are doing better.
Unknown said…
Thank you for posting,it's great to see pics of the family! Michael
Unknown said…
Thank you for sharing. It's great to see old pics of the family! (Michael)
Nonnie said…
Michael, with your using James, I had hopes that finally Jimmy Kern was found. I haven't heard from him in decades. I hope you are doing well.

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