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Weekend Reflections: Longaberger Baskets

baskets placed on shelves
Longaberger collection
of daughter-in-law

to see a myriad of reflections,
visit James' Weekend Reflections


Malyss said…
Funny self-portrait with baskets!
'Tsuki said…
Nice mirror. Its hanging is very original too : that makes a unsual shape.
Your photo reflects well on you.
foxysue said…
I love handmade baskets, something really homely, no wonder the caught your eye.x
Unknown said…
Lively reflections and I love baskets. They are so good for organizing and look so pretty too.
Lovely mirror. There's something rather old-worldly about the photo which harks back to yesteryear.
Nonnie said…
maybe it's because the mirror is antique.
Nonnie said…
I love them; I have a few. my hubby got a big basket full of baskets years ago at an auction! but none of those are Longaberger.

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