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ABC Wednesday: Advertisement

Coca~Cola tray,
like the one in Mom's cafe,
sparks warm memories.

My mom owned a restaurant through my teen years.
When a tray was needed to carry food and/or drinks 
to the customer, this was one 
I often used because of the advertisement
of my favorite soda then, and still is.
After Mom died, my younger brother
explained to me, as he held the tray, that Mom 
wanted him to have it. It's probably best that I
don't recall what, if anything, I retorted.
But I never stopped wanting a tray 

just like the one pictured. 
Luckily I had a loving hubby
who bought this tray for me at an auction.

advance to...


Anonymous said…
That is my very favorite Coca cola tray too! Took me a few years to find one in good shape . Great post
What an interesting ANTIQUE.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Unknown said…
Glad your husband was able to find a tray for you!
GlorV1 said…
Nice photo. I like what your husband bought you too. Have a great day tomorrow.
ChrisJ said…
Advertising is so effective that I can still remember adverts or ads from my childhood about 70 years ago!
Graham Edwards said…
Given its age and condition you have obviously cherished it.
Lea said…
Love those old Coca-Cola ads!
Great that Hubby found you one.
Have a wonderful day!
Lea's Menagerie
Nanka said…
Nice memorabilia and deep attachment to it too!!
Wanda said…
What a perfect way to use your A word. Love those old advertisements. Brings back memories of my youth in the 50's.
Hildred said…
So glad you eventually got the tray you yearned for - tricky business dividing up loved one's possessions!!!
Nonnie said…
it certainly can be!
Nonnie said…
it's astounding isn't it, Chris, at how much of it stays with us! we share the same decade in our ages.
Leslie: said…
There's an old 50s-style restaurant not far from where I live and they have all those old antiques around. You can buy them or just admire them as you dine.

abcw team
Nonnie said…
oh, I'd love to eat at such a place!

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