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ABC Wednesday: Zoological Study

taken June 21
taken July 8

Son, granddaughter
and I were sitting, chatting
at my kitchen table
when I suddenly spotted
out my window
a nest in my
neighbor's tree!
Thrilled beyond measure,
I grabbed my Nikon
and started snapping.

robin babes
beseaching for food
from Momma 

Biscuit and Jasmine,
oldest granddaughter's cats

friend "Moth"'s cat

Mother Robin scolds
because I dared to saunter
close to her nest!

The day after I snapped photos
of the babies, I went outside trying to
get closer to the nest.
Momma Robin hopped
from place-to-place
on the roof and scolded
me aplenty till
I left the area.
I went 

squirrel laughing
'bout squirrel-free feeder
foiled again!

The only way I can keep the squirrels
off the feeder is to slather
the pole with Vaseline Petroleum Jelly.
It had rained the day before
so I had not been out yet
to reapply the Vaseline.
But first I had to snap this photo,
then out I went to prevent
another visit.

visit ABC Wednesday
for more 'z' words!


Melanie said…
Wow! What an amazing shot of the babies in the nest. I admire your powers of observation and catching the moments so well with your camera.
Nonnie said…
thank you, Melanie!
I saw a bunny just today!

ROG abc wednesday team
ChrisJ said…
Your post reminded me that I just saw two skunks this evening visiting our yard, Now if zoological studies are correct, we may shortly be seeing more little black and white ones. They are so pretty and so cute with such personalities yet I freeze when I see one, often not 10 feet away. I'm afraid it might be out-with-the=mothballs time.
Graham Edwards said…
Difficult to foil a squirrel.
Leslie: said…
Gee, I didn't think of putting vaseline on the bird feeder. We have lots of squirrels here, too, but so far they haven't ventured near the feeder. If they do, now I know what to do.

abcw team

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