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Contrasts in Interests

Visiting two of my granddaughters
yesterday was enjoyable.

The younger of the two
has had an interest
in frogs (and tadpoles), lizards, snakes 
and other animals
from childhood.

Her Poppy and I 
had seen an abundance 
of garter snakes
around our home in the country,
but when we tried to
capture one for her to take home,
nary a one could be found!

Subsequently, some years later, 
her boyfriend
bought her a bearded dragon
as a gift.
I had not seen the lizard 
for 3 or 4 years.

for those who want
to know more about lizards
as pets, visit Best Pet Lizard

Here 'she' is...

Her sister, on the other hand,
has become 
an avid gardener.
The yard has 
a plethora of gorgeous blooms
of a variety of plants and flowers.
Along with savoring
the sight of these lovelies,
I also encountered 
some previously unknown

What a delight it was to
spend time 
with these two loving 
and lovely ladies!


Annie Jeffries said…
Floral and Fauna should be their middle names!! I love the bearded dragon. I held one (sort of, kind of) last summer. Their bellies are so smooth.
Karen said…
Beautiful blooms in her garden! I have a pet bearded dragon that is 13 years old!
Scriptor Senex said…
Lovely flowers.
I've always wanted a Bearded Dragon. They are so cute. I'd settle for a Chamaeleon but that too has been vetoed!
Nonnie said…
Anoles are a lot smaller than any of the lizards, yet they are fascinating. I had a male and a female in my classroom and at home. It is important to have them in an aquarium with a tight lid. My cat knocked the lid off mine and I think caused the anoles to have heart attacks. (there were no injuries on them, yet they were dead.)

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