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Mornings with Mary: Blessing

 I received a while ago
this most perfect shrine
created by Hettienne @
Her talent is evident as an artiste,
much like others
who contribute to Mornings with Mary.
And maybe I should leave it like that,
but I long to repay Hettienne
with something other than my photos.
So, here is my effort, Hettienne,
with heartfelt thanks.

May the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary
bring blessings to you each day.

And with the tumultuous events

of recent times, I
pray for all those 
who have been pummeled 
with the loss of so many
in Arizona, other states, in Canada
and elsewhere in our world.

gather blessings from
Mornings with Mary
@ Rebecca's recuerda mi corazon


rebecca said…
dear nonnie,
i have just spent the day watching the memorial service for our granite hotshot crew. it was so tender and bittersweet. so much courage in that room, so many standing tall beside their fallen.

what a joy to find you here and the love that you have created! i would love to know more about the sacred heart with flowers and perhaps a prayer? is it possible you could email me a close up? i am loving it from afar! thank you for your love, light and prayers for all the suffering through out the world right now.
girlunwinding said…
Both are tremendous examples of unconditional love and devotion to the limitless spirit within. thank you for sharing your talent and words of comfort and Hettienne's shrine.

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