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Signs: Slop on Top

Slop on Top,
a food truck parked here
in friend's drive.

On the 4th of July, my friend
invited the man, whose truck this is,
to park here, thinking
it possible that people
might buy from him.
Her home faces

the bridge where
many Munsonians
(Muncie citizens)

stand to watch the fireworks
that are

set off across the river.
The rest of the sign 
could not be seen because
of the car.

more signs


GlorV1 said…
Oh what a great truck! Love it:)
so what's the "slop that is on top?"
Nonnie said…
whatever the special is for that day! if you click on their logo, it takes you to their site on Facebook.
Nice -- food trucks are getting so popular everywhere we go. Thanks for the word 'Munsonians! Didn't know about that. My husband had a job offer at Ball State years and years ago, but we decided not to move our family so far away from grandparents etc....
Nonnie said…
thanks for sharing, Sallie! Munsonian was the name of the yearbook of Muncie Central High School, my old alma mater.
Graham Edwards said…
The truck looks appealing Norma but I have to say that I would be put off by the name.
Nonnie said…
I too, GB. I just liked the bright, cheery look of the sign. Younger people like the terminology, since now the word 'sick'(and a list could be made of this kind of thing) means something positive for young Americans.

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