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Weekend Reflections #198: Outside-Inside

Inside Reflections
lounge lamp lit,
edge of red front door,
painting seen.

Outside Reflections
lush oak tree,
friendly neighbor's home
parts of me

visit Jame's
Weekend Reflections;
he never disappoints!


Sylvia K said…
What a great, summery reflection for the day, Norma!! Amazing what reflections one can find once your start looking!! Hope you have a lovely weekend!! Enjoy!
James said…
Cool reflection and a nice camera! :-)
GlorV1 said…
Love these reflections. You always take such great photos.:) My Frida With Shawl painting will be all right. I know the lady very well and she has frequent events with different artists work. Thanks for stopping by my new blog. I appreciate it. gloria
Electra said…
And you never disappoint, Norma. You must be very mindful to find what you do.
Nonnie said…
thank you, Electra! sometimes I get on my own nerves with checking to see if I can capture something interesting. :)
Nonnie said…
Gloria, I'm so glad that I found you again. I wondered where you'd gone!
Nonnie said…
thank you, James. it was a gift from my youngest!
Nonnie said…
Sylvia, you are so right, and sometimes they are a pleasant surprise!
'Tsuki said…
Great reflection indeed ! Well done !
ADRIAN said…
It almost looks like a double exposure.
Anonymous said…
Creative photo with many reflections ~ Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^
Nonnie said…
I agree, Adrian! That kind of thing happened to me more than a time or two before digital cameras.
Suburban Girl said…
That is kind of a tricky reflection telling what is what.
Love it. I felt like I was playing I spy and wouldn't have noticed all those things if you hadn't pointed them out with the great poems.
Reader Wil said…
Beautiful Norma! Very clever! Happy weekend!
Karen said…
Cool, hard to tell what's inside or out!
NatureFootstep said…
interesting reflections. :)
Carver said…
That's a great reflection.

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