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ABC Wednesday: Dog

"royal" Justice sits,
queen of all she peruses,
lovely  and benign

was rescued
in another state.
She was then 
by middle son and 
his wife.
She apparently harbors no resentment
from previous treatment.
She is sweet
and loves attention,
and I am happy
to give it to her!

happy to join with others
on ABC Wednesday


Leslie: said…
Ah, my favourite animal and breed!

abcw team
Looks like a DASHING creature!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
photowannabe said…
I love hearing about all these rescued dogs.
So glad she is sweet and grateful for her forever family.
Carver said…
She looks like a sweetie. Carver, ABC Wed. Team
Hildred said…
Ah, a very friendly dog sitting amongst the flowers.
Lea said…
So wonderful to know she has found her forever home!
Lea's Menagerie
Reader Wil said…
Animals give nconditional love, they don't harbour hatred. Isn't that beautiful?
Have a great week.
Wil, ABCW Team
love the name Justice, what a pretty dog!
Joy said…
A cute dog amongst the daffodils.
Joy - ABC Team

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