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Haiku My Heart: Hummingbird

This is the original shot;
below I played once again
at PicMonkey.

questioning from whence
photographer snapped her shots
inside or outside?

God's delight...
wings of hummingbird,
mine as well!

linking with delight
with our enchanting hostess Rebecca
at Haiku My Heart


readinpleasure said…
Oh, this is beautifully done.
Stephanie said…
how I love hummers...and you're right, I cannot tell if this is inside or out.
Carol L McKenna said…
Great photos of nature's little gems and love the haiku 'god's delight'... beautiful~ carol ^_^
The idea of God delighting in the wings of the hummingbird reminds me, for some reason, of "The Windhover" by Gerard Manley Hopkins.

Peace in Plums
Laura said…
I love the way you've played with the photo... your haiku, absolutely beautiful!
wabisabipoet said…
Oh! This made me catch my breath! I love hummingbirds and the idea that God is delighting in them at the same moment, really captured me!
Lea said…
Nothing is more delightful than these winged jewels that you share with us here Norma!
Norma Ruttan said…
Lea, that's the way I think of them too. I was so thrilled to get one at my feeder!
Norma Ruttan said…
thank you! I figure he takes delight in his creations.
Norma Ruttan said…
I saw a second one last night, MMT, but it was chased to my neighbor's feeder. The Lowe's clerk said that hummingbirds are territorial!
Hazel Ceej said…
Oh, to have wings!
Sorry I'm late; came down with a cold.

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