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Himmelsk: Photo Walk

photo walk
by Oakhurst Gardens'

a former Ball family home

A friend and a teacher 

at Ball State University
is working on a web site
to acquaint her foreign students
with what's interesting and fun
about our town.
So I volunteered to check out
all that is here at
Minnetrista and Oakhurst Gardens.
So with camera in hand,
I sauntered through the gardens and
by the homes that had once been
the family homes of the Ball family.
(The five brothers founded the Ball
canning jars 100 years ago here
in Muncie, Indiana.)

They were wealthy philanthropists.
Thus, our hospital and university
are named for them.
Except for the initial photo,
I've used only the photos
from my walk
that included the
brilliantly sunlit sky
viewed on Wednesday.

Head over to
Himmelsk #150,
the last one
for awhile,
Petunia is taking
a well-earned break.

These columns
which are at the entrance
of the Minnetrista Cultural Center
once were part of the front entrance
of a Ball home that burned down
many years ago.


Karen said…
You were graced with a beautiful day for your walk!
Nonnie said…
and today was equally nice, but I spent it scrapbooking with friends! of course, that was enjoyable too.
Anonymous said…
I can hear a whisper of history...
Happy weekend!

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