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Mornings with Mary: Her Titles

Our Heavenly Mother is known
 by innumerable names, just as there are untold
images of Mary.
However one chooses to address her,
or however one imagines her appearance,
she listens.
I know that I think of my own mother
when I seek guidance or assurance.
How much more fitting
to appeal to the Virgin Mary
when seeking comfort, solace
or answers to questions.
She awaits each of us
to intercede for us
to her Blessed Son.

Titles of Mary
Immaculate Mary
Star of the Sea
Holy Virgin Mary
Queen of Heaven
Queen of the Earth
Queen of the Esplanade
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Our Lady of Fatima
Our Lady of Lourdes
Our Lady of Sorrows
Our Lady of Grace
Our Lady of Czestochowa
Our Lady of Walsingham
Lady of the Miraculous Medal
Queen of the most holy Rosary
Queen of Peace
Healer of the Sick
Comforter of the Afflicted
Mother of Christ
Mother of God
Mother of Mercy
Mother of the Eternal Word
Mother of Sorrows
Mother of Divine Clemency
Flower of Mt. Carmel
Fruitful Vine
Splendor of Heaven

Our Lady of the Esplanade

Yes, I have used images of Mary
from previous posts,
but I felt that with this one,
I needed them
to illustrate my point.

lovingly linked
to Rebecca's exquisite Mornings with Mary


Unknown said…
Nonnie, how I love your litany of Mary's names. I remember chanting a litany like this on her feast day long ago. And who says we can't recycle our Marys? I'm glad you did.
judie said…
I never consciously thought of all these names. Thanks for listing. Seems Mary takes on whatever name people want to give her at any given moment. And reposting is good. I don't get to visit every single blog every single day, so this way I can catch up on things I missed. xo
Norma Ruttan said…
thanks for that- someone recently admonished me about a photo she thought I'd reused.
Norma Ruttan said…
Thanks for not admonishing me about reposting. I received one recently because the reader thought I'd used a photo before. I too don't visit every blogger every day or I'd never get up from my computer.

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