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Mornings with Mary: My Ramblings

What do I want for myself for the new year?
entrust God
feel his presence
be inspired

host a writing group

be energized to…

these goals were written 
January 1, 2013

did I get them out even once
since that day?
am emphatic NO
is my reply
there is  a proverb
"He who fails to plan,
plans to fail."
that goes for following through
as well as planning
I do pray each morning
and evening
but what happened 
to... exercising
hosting a writing group?

little progress there
when I am brutally 
about myself
I see that I
have few close friends
who live in my town
who enjoy 
the familiar 
lonely state 
I ask not
for sympathy,
just that you
dear devotees
of our Mother Mary,
for me to
envision the positives
in my life
to help 
 lift my spirits 
to turn this 
spiraling downward
into an upward

thank you
for listening with kind ears

lovingly linked
to Rebecca's


MeOfCourse said…
Enjoyed all your photos and your words as well as plans. Best to you. Enjoy the week.
Why not start an online writing group? You could open a password-protected blog as a virtual meeting place for the writers you invite. No one else would have access. You set the rules. Wouldn't that be an answer to prayer?
Norma Ruttan said…
a brilliant idea, MMT! I'll give it some prayerful thought. thank you!
Redondowriter said…
I gather you must live in a small town. I agree with Norma that MMT has a very good idea about a writing group online. I have belonged to one on Yahoo groups lists for more than 12 years. Very dear to me. But, I will pray that you find some friends and that the downward spiral begins to unspiral up. Is that a word?
Redondowriter said…
I didn't see my comment, so I'm assuming I missed the banner that said the comment must be approved. I just want to make sure you know you are in my prayers.
judie said…
Such an honest, open post. Too bad we don't live near, because I love to read, write, walk. Especially write. I sometimes have similar thoughts as your post. I will tell you that I really like visiting your blog. Every time it loads and that beautiful header opens, with the deck and the gorgeous flowers, with Mary overseeing the garden, it is encouragement to me. Hang in there girl. Look in the mirror and you will see an awesome woman. xo
Priti.Lisa said…
Oh Norma, I know the feelings you are having, I feel isolated from people in my world too, there just seems to be so much negativity in people's lives that I don't enjoy being around them. That is why I get so much joy from you and the others in Rebecca's circle...this is the circle of love where I fit. I walk and pray as I go...I will imagine you walking with me:) ♥♥
foxysue said…
Late here via Mary, but just to say I know, you are not alone with these feelings....I think little steps, just one thing that will grow.

foxysue said…
BTW If you do start a writing group I will participate :~)xxx
Roz said…
I am a gardener, so this image particularly spoke to me - just lovely xx
Norma Ruttan said…
how kind of you, Lisa, thank you
Norma Ruttan said…
I've written your name down so that if I do that, I will contact you. thank you for your encouragement, foxysue!
Norma Ruttan said…
thank you, Judie, for sharing; I find comfort in that.
Norma Ruttan said…
small town, hmm... I guess it is compared to Indianapolis. our population is 70,000, but Muncie does have a small town mentality. thank you, Fran, for the kind words.
rebecca said…
my darling nonnie,
every time i see your childhood photo i think, oh if we had grown up in the same neighborhood we would be fast friends! i imagine your eyes to hold that same light and spark that shines so brightly. thank you for sharing so openly your heart and your longings. you bless us all with your courageous honest heart.

may you feel lifted up by each person who has listened with kindness and received you completely. thank you for brightening my life with yours. i am seeing you spiraling up and always reaching out in love and fulfillment.

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