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Quotography: Happiness

"Happiness often sneaks in 
through a door
you didn't know you'd left open."
~John Barrymore~

Why did I choose this image?
Pinwheels are inexpensive sources
of things that make me smile!

looking for how others
picture happiness?
then go to Kaylene's


Kaylene said…
I love pinwheels, but haven't any in my garden, must get one. Lovely quote along with the bright orange flowers. Cheers
Lisa said…
Who doesn't smile when they blow on a pinwheel?! I don't know of anyone who can keep a straight face. Love the color of the flowers too!
Visiting from Quotography.
Norma Ruttan said…
and the bonus was that the pinwheel was made in the USA! Unfortunately that is extremely hard to find that label nowadays

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