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Quotography: School

"He who opens a school door
closes a prison door."
~Victor Hugo~

a proud day for all,
especially for my parents,
me in my commencement gown 

Nowadays I would be 
categorized as 
a nontraditional student,
meaning I was not just
out of high school.
By this date in 1966,
my husband and I
 had three children
ages 4, 5 and 6 years old.

linking with pleasure
to Kaylene's


you were very brave to be able to complete such an accomplishment at that time in our history with three small children. I am 50 and will be starting college for the first time ever in September. i am both excited and terrified.
ADRIAN said…
Belated congratulations.
Electra said…
My goodness, what a wonderful picture and what delightful information to learn a bit more about you, Norma! Bravo!
Nonnie said…
thank you, Electra!
Nonnie said…
I was more naive than brave, but I too was proud for having accomplished it. I went to school year round in order to do it. I had planned on going back when all 3 kids were in school. Hubby suggested I go then so I could graduate by the time they were in school. Our oldest was in 1st grade; middle in kindergarten; youngest not in school. So I did manage to graduate before all 3 were in school. :)
How very inspiring and a wonderful quote I did not know - my hat's off to you!!
Kaylene said…
Norma, I can relate by 1966 I had two children and did not graduate from university until I was in my early 50's. Love your smile.
Laura said…
A lovely post Norma! I trust that you will climb all kinds of mountains you never expected... have faith.
Nonnie said…
thank you for the kind words, Lulu!
Nonnie said…
thank you, Kaylene! Age matters not, in fact, I think maturity is a positive strength in pursuing a college education.
Nonnie said…
thank you, Laura, for the kind encouragement.
Lisa said…
What a wonderful credit to you to have the initiative to go back and get a degree...especially with three small children! Very inspiring! My post is about a non-traditional student too.
Visiting from Quotography.
J C said…
Kudos to you for continuing your education. It must have been difficult with a family. My daughter did the same thing, with a (non-supportive) husband and two kids. Much midnight oil burned. I was soooooooo proud of her. I was never able to pursue a degree, but instead I took classes...and classes....and classes, forever. Sure helped me along in life!
Graham Edwards said…
To be honest I have never been quite sure that I understood that quote. I have always thought that when you open a school door then you open the prison door and let someone out of their (metaphorical) prison of ignorance, On the other hand I suppose it could mean that when you educate people you keep them out of prison. If that's the case then there are a lot of educated people who have managed to open the prison door.
Al said…
That's awesome, it's tough to get a degree with young children.

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