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Sepia Saturday 189: 1930 Flood

1930 flood
in Vincennes, Indiana
reprinted in 1950
by the
Vincennes Sun-Commercial

I found this old newspaper photo
in among my momma's boxes
of photos, newspapers and other ephemera.

my first time
to link to the fascinating meme
Sepia Saturday


Joan said…
Those old cars could rumble through pretty deep water, eh. BTW, Noannie is my childhood nickname, and my husband's name for me.
La Nightingail said…
I'm not sure what that type of bridge is called? A half wheel bridge? The shape caught my eye right away. We had driven past a pretty little white bridge of the same type several times on our way to & from visiting friends in Nevada until finally, one day, I had my husband turn off the highway & park so I could get out & photograph it. We were on private property, but no one seemed to be around except a couple of cows & I was pretty sure they wouldn't say anything.
ADRIAN said…
I love coming across old newspapers. I can pass many an hour reading old news.
Brett Payne said…
The cars of those days were unrelaible anyway, without having to drive through water up to the running boad.
Brett Payne said…
Oh, and welcome to Sepia Saturday. I look forward to seeing more of your posts.
Jackie said…
Hello and welcome I'm new as well
First I must say your blog picture at the top is lovely I really like it!
How nice you found cutting from papers with your mums photos
Wendy said…
Goodness! I wonder what made the driver of that car think he could make it through. Well, maybe he did. Very interesting photo and story.

Welcome to Sepia Saturday.
Nonnie said…
An aunt and uncle gave me the nickname. I cherish it because of them.
Nonnie said…
I do too, Adrian, but my goodness they were so wide! It's hard for my short arms to manage them.
Nonnie said…
Gail, I had to click on it to enlarge it to answer your question. It was denoted as a wagon bridge in the article.
Nonnie said…
thank you, Brett!
Nonnie said…
thank you, Wendy. It was one of the articles my momma had saved. All the others had to do with family. So, maybe...
Unknown said…
You're going to be a smash hit on Sepia Saturdays, Nonnie! Great old newspaper shot -- look forward to more!
Boobook said…
Welcome Nonnie and I'm looking forward to future posts.
I'm trying to imagine the damage a foot of frozen ice could do on a road. The contraction and expansion must have been interesting. Wish there were photos showing cars stuck in that much ice.

And poor old soul having to eat warm biscuits.
Alex Daw said…
It's hard to imagine a flood in Winter. Our floods happen in Summer down under. Though I'm happy to be corrected.
Postcardy said…
The weather must have changed rapidly for the flood to freeze.
Little Nell said…
A warm welcome to Sepia Saturday Nonnie, and you've made a great start with this interesting newsclip. We have a facebook Group too which you may enjoy.
Marilyn (co-admin)
Here's video of a car abandoned during the recent flood in Toronto.
Alan Burnett said…
I share your love of old newspapers and their photos. They seem to capture the age so well. And a big welcome to Sepia Saturday. Good to have you on board.
Nonnie said…
thank you, Alan, for the warm welcome!
My grandma was known as Ninnie!!!
This scene looked dramatic enough for those days.
Nice beginning for you.
Sharon said…
Welcome to Sepia Saturday. I hope that you enjoy it as much and I do. A great start.
Graham Edwards said…
It's always fascinating reading old newspapers, however mundane the article happens to be. This is interesting so that's a bonus.

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