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Vintage Weekly #73:Summertime at Rainbow Beach

swimming and picnics
at Rainbow Beach in Vincennes
fun with family!
note the circular shape of the swimming poola fence surrounded the deep water
We had moved from Vincennes
before I had become a proficient enough
swimmer to be allowed in the inner deeper waters.

my younger brother
on top of our uncles' shoulders
our aunt has her back to us

The white fence is visible in this shot.
Here my aunt's sweet face is facing us.
I suspect that we see
my other aunt swimming
towards us.
seek Sepia Saturday here

visit Vintage Weekly here


Little Nell said…
That's a huge expanse of water to swim in and a great place to learn I should think.
Fun in the sun! Great summertime shots.
Brett Payne said…
I've seen similar fences in swimming pools isolating the deep water, presumably to make it easier to look after children in the water. Your photos remind me of the high diving boards at the municipal swimming baths of my youth.
Alan Burnett said…
Yes, there is a tremendous feeling of space in those last two photographs, as though you could swim all afternoon and hardly meet another swimmer.
love those old photos! Super cool!
Joan said…
That is a sweet face! Summertime pool photos bring back such wonderful memories.
Rosie said…
At first I did not notice it was a pool, looks like the building in the background is being flooded....picnics whether in the woods, by the beach, in the backyard or by the pool all have something in common, eating OUTDOORS, and the food tastes better for it!!
Wendy said…
Great pool - and not crowded, which makes it even better.
Jane said…
Lovely old shots, thanks for sharing :)
Bob Scotney said…
Great place to swim with so much room. I wonder what that that place looks like now.
Nonnie said…
The terrible news that I learned about 10 years ago was this pool was demolished and they put in a boring rectangular pool. I was very glad that my parents had these photos.

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