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Sepia Saturday 192: Grandmother and her Children

widowed grandmother
seven children, mixed ages
some adults, some not

one uncle
wearing suspenders
or braces

five of six sporting
ties, as gentlemen did then
rare to see now'days
saunter over to
for more vintage delights!


Ann said…
Wonderful picture Nonnie, I'm sure it was hard for her to be widowed when children were so young. Its so sweet that all the boys wore ties except the baby!!Thanks for your comment.
Nonnie said…
By the time I came along, Grandma was married again with three more children. They were close enough to my age that the younger two were my playmates.
Anonymous said…
We always called them braces but I see the word suspenders used. Doesn't brace mean to prop up or strengthen. Perhaps women should claim the word braces for their own prop-up underwear :-) and leave the word suspenders/suspending for for the men's accessory.
Nonnie said…
I don't know why we Americans call them suspenders, but when a word is used from childhood, one grows up with the label.
Postcardy said…
Some of those ties are really short! Ties have grown a lot longer since then.
Alan Burnett said…
Sweet and to the point. Like a smart silk tie.
Little Nell said…
Very rare to see these days when the fashion seems to be for open necked shirts with jackets - I don't think ties are so wonderful, but that just looks sloppy. You have some wonderful photos.
The Silver Fox said…
Love that all but the youngest boy -- I'm assuming the lap-sitter is male -- wore ties for the shot.
Jackie said…
Must have been hard work when you were widowed and still had family to bring up!
Nice picture
Alex Daw said…
All those menfolk and just one daughter to help do all the housework...? Poor them.
Nonnie said…
My grandmother worked hard, and all the children who were old enough to hold a job would be working too. So I'd say that my mom (far right) and her brothers in the back row were employed to help Grandma.
I posted my Dad with ties on as well. I do like to see a man in a suit and tie.
Boobook said…
Your grandmother must have really appreciated having so many men about the house.
Sharon said…
The youngest child looks very happy and cheeky but there is a sadness to the photo. They must have been thinking about the person missing?
Anonymous said…
Fashions are changing always, isn't it.

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