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Macro Monday 2: Easter Lily in September

imagine my shock
finding my Easter lily
once again blooming!

I put the dried Easter lily bulb
in an area where once stood
a barrel half whereas
my sunflowers bloomed.
I added planting soil,
hoping that next spring
God would do His tending,
resulting in my pleasure
of a blooming lily
next Easter.
Behold the beauty 
celebrating a new season!

inking with delight
to Macro Monday 2
hosted this week
by Magical Mystical Teacher


Unknown said…
What a wonderful surprise!
J C said…
Wow, that's pretty. In September, too. Magical.
Goodness! I've heard of people with green thumbs, but yours is amazing! wow, what a beautiful lily (at any time of the year, but especially now!)
Scriptor Senex said…
What a pleasant surprise and so beautiful.
Anonymous said…
Wow, that is fantastic!! those are the kind of surprises that we can all enjoy! Have a beautiful day
Fun60 said…
Beautiful close ups.
I'm sure you're grateful for the unexpected gift!

Salt Cedar Blossoms

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