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Macro Monday 2: Petunia

"Pretty is, as pretty does" is an old adage.
So what does the pretty petunia do?
It brings pleasure to my senses.
Isn't that enough?

with pleasure I'm linking
Macro Monday 2

ABC Wednesday
with the word 'ianthine'
which means violet-coloured!


Graham Edwards said…
I'll second that Norma. My petunias are doing very well this year.
Leslie: said…
Gee, I've never heard the word "ianthine" before! Intersting...

abcw team
photowannabe said…
Thanks for the new word starting with the letter I.
GREAT word!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Carver said…
That's a very beautiful flower. Carver, ABC Wed. Team
Unknown said…
Ianthine is a new Information to me too !!

PhenoMenon, ABCW Team
Indrani said…
Pretty purple petunia!
Nice shot!
MaR said…
Interesting new word! and a beautiful flower.

I is for...
ChrisJ said…
Love that new word, Ianthine! Now I have to keep practicing it before I forget it.

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