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Mornings with Mary: The Annunciation- Stained Glass Window

"Hail, Mary,"
Gabriel greets her.
She responds.

Her fearless reply,
founded in faith, piety
renders our Savior.

page, "Herod's Lament,"
meditation for Thursday,
cheered with a rainbow

linked with love
to Rebecca's 


Gillena Cox said…
a Happy Monday to you

much love...
rebecca said…
dear nonnie,
i love how the coloured light from the stained glass window seems to fall generously in rainbows on the pages of your open book. may colour and light fill you like manna and the warmth of that assurance hold you tight!
Hettienne said…
your posts always have such a feeling of tenderness about them - something elusive that one just gets a whiff of - so beautiful. I love that rainbow on the meditation page. May your meditations all be filled with rainbows, Nonnie!
Don't you just love finding rainbows in unexpected places? And what better place than on the Meditation for the Day? Blessings!
Norma Ruttan said…
Indeed, I do love that, MMT!
Norma Ruttan said…
I'm blown away by your kind comment, Hettienne.
Norma Ruttan said…
I did not realize the connection; I just wanted to share the rainbow! I love the way you look at the ordinary and it leads to the sacred. thank you
Reader Wil said…
I love stained glass windows. This one has such beautiful colours. Thanks for sharing
Have a great week.
Wil, ABCW Team
Hazel Ceej said…
Glad to read "Gabriel" from your haiku. It's been awhile.... Now it feels like Christmas!


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