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Quotography: Darkness

Photo snapped upon arrival
at church.  Torrential rain
accompanied by lightning
knocked out the power.
The traffic lights were out;
thankfully, people treated the intersections
like 4-way stop signs.

Upon entering church,
I found that we had no lights there either.

"It is better to light one candle
than to curse the darkness."
~Chinese proverb~

The Chinese proverb was used as
a motto by Father James Keller
founder of The Christophers.

linked to Kaylene's



I love this quote. It's the only way to live
Carol said…
I love the quote. I almost used it. We have been getting rain, as well. Love it!
Kaylene said…
How coincidental, the candles give a lovely glow, it must have been a special service. Cheers
Eva said…
Proverbs really are the expressions of popular wisdom :) said…
What a great quote and pictures you are sharing with Quotography. Perfect. :)
Norma Ruttan said…
It was quite an intimate feeling with only candles providing the light. Father even mentioned it before Mass dismissal. I liked it very much, but in winter, there would be no light coming through the windows as there was on Saturday because the Mass I attend the most is the vigil Mass which begins at
5:30 p.m. And in the winter, it would be dusk at that time.

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