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Shadow Shot Sunday 2: From the Ramp

'neath, splendor
shimmering shadows
soft, muted

linking with pleasure
Shadow Sunday 2
hosted by a tremendous trio,
Chubskilit Rose
Gemma Wiseman
Magical Mystical Teacher


colleen said…
Ooh. Makes me curious. So many directions.
Sandi Baron said…
Awww, a moment of remembrance of why we live a grateful life. Very nice.
Jeannie Marie said…
The angles are splayed in an interesting pattern. Great shot.
Ralph said…
Given my use of a wheelchair, I tend to notice ramps. And here, the shadows of the ramp are equally nice - a subtle capture of sun and shadow!
Nonnie said…
And with my aging, walking up a ramp is less strenuous than climbing some stairs!
Nonnie said…
At one end is the ramp leading to the entrance of this building and at the other end are stairs.
Gemma Wiseman said…
An intricate drama of shadow journeys. And almost like a spill of fiddlesticks that need to be sorted without moving any other stick.
Anonymous said…
These shadows look very busy! :)
robin. said…
many shadows to delight the shadow chasers eye!!!
You do manage to consistently capture great shadow shots-each one tells a story.
Nonnie said…
thank you, Paula, it's mostly because I am on the lookout for shadows and reflections wherever I am!

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