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ABC Wednesday: Mary Altar

my Mary altar
erected to show rev'rence
for our blest Mother

linked with pleasure
ABC Wednesday
hosted by the founder
Mrs. Nesbitt


Leslie: said…
No better Mother than Mary!

abcw team
Hildred said…
A beautiful reminder of reverence.
Sorry you didn't hear the mandolins, - I should have put the Youtube link in, but if you visit Youtube I'm sure it will pop out at you Nonie.
mrsnesbitt said…
How lovely.
Denise ABC Team xxx
Nice icons!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Carver said…
Looks like a meaningful area for you. Carver, ABC Wed. Team
ChrisJ said…
Hi Nonnie. Glad you post about your faith. Sadly I have discovered that when I do a 'religious' blog I get much fewer comments. But I keep on blogging my faith anyway. :)
Reader Wil said…
You have shown great care and love by sharing this altar! Thanks, Norma.
Have a blessed day!
Wil, ABCW Team.
Norma Ruttan said…
Normally, I get comments from those who share on Recuerda Mi Corazon, but this time I got a few that don't participate there.

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