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Vintage Weekly: Child on Pony

in the olden days
photographers sought clients
at their domiciles

My parents moved to Muncie, Indiana
at the end of WWII,
when rental housing
was sparse.
My momma told me that
Daddy would get in line
around 4 a.m. seeking a place
for us to live.
This decrepit apartment house
was to be our home till
something better was available.
However, my mother kept 
her concerns locked deep inside
till I was older and she shared
how frightening it was
to have two small children
living in such a place.
If I'd had a camera 
back then, one would see
the wonders my mother
wrought in the inside of
this humble abode!
I think that Momma
must have saved money
for quite a while

to have this photograph taken.
my sweet 3 year old brother
I didn't notice the pup
till I scanned this photo.
It must have belonged
to the people
in the downstairs apartment.

linking with pleasure
to Jane's

Vintage Weekly


Al said…
What great old memories those photos must bring back. A child's perspective is so different.
Jane said…
Lovely old photos, thanks for sharing :)
Graham Edwards said…
Old photos are such a treasure. Your Mum did well!
Sandi Baron said…
I enjoyed the photo with the story. Great idea and such a wonderful way of keeping history alive.
Nonnie said…
that she did, GB! I am grateful.
Ann said…
Norma, just saw this post and love it. I've been looking for a place to post my vintage pictures. I love this story that you wrap around this darling photo of you and your brother!!! The pic with the horse is precious also
Nonnie said…
thank you, Ann. I like being able to share the photos my parents treasured.
anyjazz said…
Excellent post. I am glad you have some photographs from your family to prompt your memories.

The itinerant photographer with the pony and costumes would hardly make a living now days. There are business permits, city codes, OSHA, and a litigious society to deal with today. It wouldn't be possible.

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