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Advent Season

For Christians, Sunday, December 1st marks the beginning of the Advent season.  In simple terms, Advent means "coming," and the season is about our waiting for the 
most inexplicable and magnificent coming of all- into our hearts, our needy lives. 
 For my needs, I will be using the Magnificat Advent Companion plus a new (to me) Advent book called Sacred Space: for Advent and the Christmas Season 2013-2014.
The latter is by the Irish Jesuits and is published by Ave Maria Press.
What prompted me to buy Sacred Space was Father James Martin, SJ's book My Life with the Saints that we are studying in Women at the Well this year. 

No artist is credited for this art work . 
The date given is the last of the 15th century.

Just below is a site for those
desiring more information concerning Advent.

Advent, Latin ad-venio, to come to
According to present (1907) usage, Advent is a period beginning with the Sunday nearest to the feast of St. Andrew the Apostle (Nov. 30) and embracing four Sundays.  The first Sunday may be as early as Nov. 27, and then Advent has 28 days, or as late as Dec. 3, giving the season only 21 days.

With Advent the ecclesiastical year begins in the Western churches.  During this time the faithful are admonished:
To prepare themselves worthily to celebrate the anniversary of the Lord’s coming into the world as the incarnate God of love,
thus to make their souls fitting abodes for the Redeemer coming in Holy Communion and through grace, and
thereby to make themselves ready for His final coming as judge, at death, and at the end of the world.

However you intend to observe Advent this year, 
I wish for you and me to come closer
 to Our Lord and Savior as a result of it.

I'm adding this beautiful image
to Rebecca's inspiring
A Virgin A Day


Mascha said…
Have a great and holy time :-)
retriever said…
Very beautifull picture Mary, have a nice Advent, greeting from Belgium
rebecca said…
dear nonnie,
i have never seen this gorgeous painting of mary and i love her so! yes, this is a sacred time and a reminder that truly each day is a sacred gift to be cherished. your invitation to mindfulness is always welcome. xo
Hettienne said…
Your picture of Mary in your header takes my breath away! Was it taken at your local parish? What a privilege to be able to sit in the presence of such a beautiful and adorned image of Mary - I will look for that book on Advent!
Redondowriter said…
Comment from California here. Yes, we are well into the advent cycle. Thanks for your beautiful image and words.
Amen to your hope/wish/prayer that we all might be drawn closer to the One from whom salvation comes!

Tuesday’s Virgin
MeOfCourse said…
Oh yes, very nice Norma. Enjoy the advent.
Priti.Lisa said…
I like a book recommendation anytime...
It's beautiful artwork on the cover.
How are you Norma? Doing well I hope.
For within this darkness, there is light.
Lea said…
Thank you Nonnie for this beautiful image and for sharing the deep meaning of this sacred time for you... I am honored to share it with you.
Norma Ruttan said…
thank you, Hettienne, it does reside in our church; I never tire looking at her during time spent in church.
Norma Ruttan said…
Rebecca, I was awestruck at the cover when the issue arrived!

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