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Haiku My Heart: All Souls Day 2013

Today's All Souls Day,
Dia de los Muertos,
honoring the dead

No matter the name we use,
we remember our dearly loved dead
with prayer.
Our three Catholic parishes,
St. Mary, St. Lawrence
and St. Francis,
came together for Mass
at Elm Ridge Funeral Home's
chapel to honor
and pray for all our beloved dead.

After Mass, we walked to the grave site
of St. Mary's much-loved former pastor,
Father William Grady.

Father Dudzinski, current pastor,
led us in prayer.

birthday bouquet
placed by my husband's sister
September 26, 2013

my husband's grave stone

Near Father Grady's place of repose
are the gravestones of two friends
of my husband and me.
In addition to their being friends,
I had the fortune to teach
two daughters and one son of the Greens;
and the three Schmaltz sons.
Both men were honorable examples
of outstanding Catholic husbands, fathers and friends.
Indeed their families and friends miss them.

Eternal rest, grant unto them, O Lord, 
and let perpetual light shine upon them. 
May the souls of the faithful departed 
through the mercy of God rest in peace. 

blessedly linked
to Rebecca's


Lea said…
Such a heart felt post Nonnie. Thank you for sharing these loved ones with us. Your altar is beautiful... we all come together to honor those before us. Much love to you.
MyMaracas said…
What a lovely tradition. Next year, I just may do this myself.
Laura said…
Such a beautiful tradition. I look forward to receiving your patch for the gratitude quilt.
peggy gatto said…
What a beautiful day you shared with me. It was so peaceful and loving and innocent, thank you
Norma Ruttan said…
thank you, dear Laura
Norma Ruttan said…
I was pleasingly surprised by the calmness that this brought to me, Peggy.
Hazel Ceej said…
Awww... the bouquet on your husband's gravestone... makes me want to cry. Father William Grady's grave looks so beautiful with the colorful leaves. What a nice tribute to loved ones and friends who have passed away. I love this post, Nonnie.

Norma Ruttan said…
thank you, Hazel. It was my sister-in-law's idea for his birthday. My family did not follow the tradition of placing flowers on graves, but now I have adopted that tradition along with the Dia de los Muertos home altar even though I have no Mexican heritage. I discovered that doing so brought me solace.
Spadoman said…
We remembered so many of our loved ones, relatives and friends, over the weekend. May they all Rest In Peace.


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