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A Virgin A Day: Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe

God of power and mercy,
you blessed the Americas at Tepeyac
with the presence of the Virgin Mary of Guadalupe.
May her prayers help all men and women
to accept each other as brothers and sisters. 
Through your justice present in our hearts 
may Your peace reign in the world.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with You
and the Holy Spirit, one God, 
for ever and ever.

The image of Mary presented here
shows a close resemblance
to Our Lady of Guadalupe.
I thought that this image

came from here
but when I returned to the site,
I was unable to find it.
If any of you are familiar
with this icon,
please enlighten me.
Thank you.

our last day of

A Virgin A Day
hosted by the inimitable

thank you, dear Rebecca!

Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe


Anne Jeffries said…
A most unusual piece of folk art and a powerful prayer.
gma said…
Yes the first image looks similar to Our lady of Guadalupe.

Blessings to you.
Thank you for sharing this prayer.

Have a lovely day,
redondowriter said…
This is a very unusual icon and I hope you ultimately find it's source. I haven't seen one like this before and I like it very much. A very merry Christmas to you and yours and I'll see you here at Rebecca's site. This prayer is mystical and beautiful.
Yes, a blessed visitation indeed!
Gillena Cox said…
Amen to that lovely prayer, thanks for your visit at my blog

Much love...
judie said…
It's very unusual. If I come across it I will let you know.
Lea said…
Hello dear Nonnie, it has been wonderful to share these twelve days with you. Your love and devotion are precious and touch my heart gently. Blessings to you, this Christmas and into this new year!
I wish I knew-I have never seen it before, but I do love it. Thank you for sharing this journey as one.

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