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A Virgin A Day: A Mary Collage

o blessed Mother,
through these days of Advent,
when mothers are taking on
even more with shopping-
whether online or in stores-
planning menus for family
and guests,
driving children hither and yon,
helping at the local food bank,
buying extra food and gifts
for families in need,
remembering prayers
for their Advent partners,
reading the latest chapter
for their Bible Studies,
and taking the time
to pray for themselves
in order
to have patience and love
for their families and neighbors.
o please, Mary,
open your heart to cover over
all these beautiful mothers
with your divinity.

a note about the collage:
I borrowed the image of Mary
The other items are from
my From Teddi with Love kit.

linking with love
to Rebecca's

Rest in Peace,
dear Joe Spado,
Round Circle


pchickki said…
Beautifully done Norma.
Joe will be missed dearly by us all-and he would've been posting right here along with us...
Redondowriter said…
Lovely collage and prayer, Nonnie. And I noted that you honored Joe Spado today. He was a very special human being.
wabisabipoet said…
Beautiful post and collage!
rebecca said…
dear nonnie,
your prayer is so kind and thoughtful. such a lovely reminder when we feel overwhelmed or all alone that somewhere someone as thoughtful as you is praying for our highest and best good.
thank you for comforting so many.
A collage! What a wonder-filled image it is! Thank you.
Lea said…
A beautiful prayer Nonnie... and your images and wishes for our Joe, precious.
Mascha said…
Oh that is beautiful!
readinpleasure said…
Amen to a wonderful prayer. Indeed we have lost a gem and may God keep him safe.
Norma Ruttan said…
The prayer practically wrote itself because of my thinking about the mothers in St. Mary's Bible study group, knowing , that as a group, what we want to accomplish before Christmas, and what they do for their families.

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