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A Virgin A Day: Prayer to St. Anne

image from here

Prayer to St. Anne
Good St. Anne, you were especially favored by God
 to be the mother of the most holy Virgin Mary, 
the Mother of our Savior.  
By your power with your most pure daughter
 and with her divine Son, 
kindly obtain for us the grace and the favor we  now seek.  
Please secure for us also forgiveness of our past sins, 
the strength to perform faithfully our daily duties 
and the help we need to persevere 
in the love of Jesus and Mary.

an aside note: My journey continues with learning
more about my faith and our Blessed Mother.  
Of course, I knew that
St. Anne was the mother of Mary,
but I had not encountered prayers to her.

continuing devotion 
to the Blessed Virgin
at Rebecca's


Priti.Lisa said…
the need to persevere...with grace and forgiveness...
loving thoughts.
♥ ♥ ♥
Jill said…
And, just yesterday, I saw two painting of Anne with the young Mary and she was pictured as a bit old, that was new to me! I'm new to the 12 days of Mary and am happy to be here!
peggy gatto said…
Very beautiful!
My middle name is Anne
Gillena Cox said…
have a nice day

much love...
Our Mother's Mother. What a joy it must've been for her to have riased a child like Mary.
Redondowriter said…
What a gorgeous statue this is of St. Anne, Mary and Jesus--in bright reds. And your prayer, as always, is deeply felt.
Blessed are you, Peggy Gatto!
Anne Jeffries said…
Good to remember our Mother's mother. Beloved St. Anne, pray for us.

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