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A Virgin A Day: Traveling Icon

Information about where 
the Black Madonna is traveling
can be found here.
The reason for this traveling
is in support of life and family
under the support of
Our Lady of Czestochowa.
Details can be found here.

Prayer for Life
~Blessed Pope John Paul II~
Evangelium Vitae (105)
O Mary, bright dawn of the new world, 
Mother of the living, 
to you do we entrust the vast numbers of babies 
not allowed to be born, 
of the poor whose lives are made difficult, 
of men and women who are victims of brutal violence, 
of the elderly and the sick 
killed by indifference or out of misguided mercy.

Grant that all who believe in your Son 
may proclaim the Gosper of life 
with honesty and love to the people of our time.  
Obtain for them the grace 
to accept that Gospel as a gift ever new, 
the joy of celebrating it with gratitude 
throughout their lives, 
and the courage to bear witness to it resolutely, 
in order to build, 
together with all people of good will, 
a civilization of truth and love, to the praise 
and glory of God, the Creator and lover of life.

linking with the love 
of Our Lady
to Rebecca's


redondowriter said…
This particular black madonna is a favorite of mine and a former housemate of mine brought back a beautiful small replica of it for me when she visited Poland. Thank you for sharing her with us. I read briefly about her travels. Did you get to see her in person yourself?
gma said…
A beautiful prayer and traveling icon to serve as a reminder
Such a rich image, this traveling icon! Thank you for the prayer too-most appropriate for today and every day.
Norma Ruttan said…
No,sadly I didn't. I would love to see your image from Poland, that is, if you care to share it.
Orvalho do Céu said…
Olá, querida Rutan
Que tenhamos vida plena!!!
Marai Santíssima interceda pro nós!!!
Seja feliz e abençoada!!!
Bjm de paz e bem
Gillena Cox said…
awesome sharing

much love...

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