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Weekend Reflections: Wreath on My Door

wreath, multi-green'ry,
highlights my crimson front door,
with cheery greetings

linking to James
and his fabulous
Weekend Reflections


pchickki said…
Very festive Nora!
Ileana said…
Nice reflection in the window!
have a nice weekend!
Sylvia K said…
What a lovely holiday reflection, Norma!! I love it!! Hope you have beautiful weekend! Enjoy!
Fun60 said…
A very welcoming sight.
'Tsuki said…
Chrimas is on our doorway now... Nice pic to celebrate it !
Anonymous said…
I love your RED door! I have a purple one-- I think colored doors are more inviting than plan white ones.
Hey you asked on my blog what KIOS was. It stands for Kicking It Old School. It is a blog-a-thon I joined for the month of December that asks a simple prompt each day for you to blog about. You can join in anytime if you are interested. It costs nothing and is a nice way to meet other bloggers and discover new blogs to visit even after the holiday season is over.
The link is here:
Check it out if you have some time. You might like it.
GB said…
A very festive wreath it is too. It's something I have never done. In fact I've never been one for Christmas decorations unlike my brother who has it down to an artform almost.

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