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Captured: Snow Storm...Another One

 CAPTURED by my camera!
my Small Stone for today: 
Hoosier-land winters,
a potpourri of climes,
from mild to frigid.

Yikes, another storm!
Thankfully, I am prepared
for a lengthy confinement.

with contentment,
I'm linking to
hosted this week 
by  Leslie

reminder about my give-away
offered here during the
Grow Your Blog party!


Ann said…
You captured the COLD very well. Some parts of the country have had landmarking snow but we have only one snowfall but lots of bitter cold.
Hildred said…
Great choice for C words, - contentment is something I really strive for.
Oh lordie! Stay warm and safe! xoxox
Lisa said…
You're prepared because you are of Midwest pilgrim stock!! Brrrrr. Your shots captured the essence of COLD!
photowannabe said…
Well, you did Capture another storm so beautifully.
Hopefully your Clime Caused Confinement won't Continue too long.
You have more snow than me. It has snowed all day and we have about 3 inches. It was a very fine dry snow.

About my grapefruit and imagination. Yes, I do have a great imagination. And if you can't have grapefruit to bring in a little Florida sunshine, then how about oranges or tangerines? Imagine that!
Nevin said…
Wonderful pics! Its always a pain to bear such weather!
Jama said…
Beautiful photos! But too cold to my liking, I'm from a tropical country with no chance of ever snowing .
ellen b. said…
This might be a repeat comment. But I'm happy that you can be content in your confinement until it's safer to venture out in the weather!
Leslie: said…
You surely did capture some great shots. Only I'd rather be her - no snow! ;D

abcw team
BLOGitse said…
Older I get winters are harder and longer....but snow looks nice! :)
That's an awful lot of snow. Brave of you to get out there for photos! :D Definitely worth it.
keep the camera out because another one is coming next week
Kay G. said…
That IS a lot of snow. How hard it must be get any exercise! Ready for this winter to be over! :-)
Joy said…
I wish you a cosy winter confinement. The snow sure looks deep and pretty. We have been having interminable rain.
Joy - ABC Wednesday
Carver said…
Beautiful shots of the snow storm. Carver, ABC Wed. Team
Nancy said…
Seems to be never-ending in your region. Stay warm Nonnie! xo
Nonnie said…
I'm working at that, Nancy, thanks.
Nonnie said…
thank you, Carver
Nonnie said…
the I wish you no floods, Joy
Nonnie said…
Caren, that prediction was stated on Today this morning! so I need to get out and bring in more supplies, esp. for my kitties.
Too cold -- I think you have the right idea staying indoors. There are a lot of Hoosiers snowbirding here.

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