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Random Five Friday: Christmas Nostalgia

Random Five Friday
Jan. 10, 2014

1. I’ve been in nostalgic mode 
since I discovered photos 
of my family taken during
the season of Christmas 1965.

2. In those days, we had at least three different family gatherings-
First- at either my cousin’s or her mother’s home 
for the Kern side of the family. 

Second- at my husband’s sister’s home.  
Third- the one in our home on Christmas Day 
with our 3 kids (youngest not yet born), my brother and my parents.

3. I was without water for two days this week; 
thankfully I had filled all available containers with water, 
and had done all my laundry 
before Tuesday the 7th when I discovered water pipes had frozen.  
4. I am blessed that I had the money 
to pay for a plumber to thaw out the pipes.  
And I’m grateful for a well-heated home and food to eat.
5. One of my favorite people came to have coffee with me today.  
She always spends  a bit of January 11 with me. 
(It’s the anniversary of my husband’s death.)  
She brightens and entertains me with her chatting .  
She will be working tomorrow so she came today.  
Then she surprised me by carting me off to join her mom at the movies, 
an added bonus- movie popcorn!
Thank you, dear friend!

linking to 

and linking to
Vintage Weekly


Deanna said…
Oh you must have had all the snow maybe more than we did. It's fun dragging out those old pictures and thinking about what happened back then. Life moves along and changes for us all!! You have a good friend that cares for you, that is a blessing. Thanks for stopping by my blog today.
Sue Frelick said…
Oh! Your Christmas photos are nostalgic indeed. What fun you all had! Back then Christmas seemed to be more of a time for visiting than it is now. Where would we be without good friends? Yours sounds like a keeper. :-)
Sofia said…
Looking at these photos and reading your words, you really share yourself with us, they are very precious...I especially like that one of your favorite people who always spend bit of time with you on "Your January 11", you are very lucky having a person like that in your life. :)
i love the tree & the television set. that is great!! i am really enjoying your memories. so glad you got your pipes fixed. our neighbors were having issues this past weekend as well. really difficult with all these cold winter so many are having. ( :
take care.
So glad you have water now. I adore your old pictures!
Nonnie said…
I'm grateful for the water, that's for sure. thank you, Lisa.
Nonnie said…
I am lucky, Sophie.
Mascha said…
Nicely this old Christmas memories!
And you had a nice day even with cinema -
Oh yes, I have also always watch lines do not freeze in winter. Wrap it around often with old woolen shawls ... and once carefully thawed with hairdryer.
For I have no money for plumber. But good, that you have water back now.
This year we had winter yet, but I'm sure it still comes -
Have a great weekend :-)
Charlotta said…
Your 1965 (my birth year) christmas tree is like a silver jewel. Beautiful! :)

Wish you a lovely weekend!
Anonymous said…
Such lovely memories! And I love the glimpse of the furniture from the 1960s. I wish you a good weekend!
Al said…
When pipes in a heated home freeze, it's too cold!
Pondside said…
I love to look at old photos of holidays past - we do that too.
Sarah Huizenga said…
Fun look back at Christmas' past.
kayerj said…
I remember those times :)

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