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Signs, Signs: Compost Collector

an earth-friendly Christmas gift
from my two oldest granddaughters

They knew that I would appreciate this kind of gift 
because when I taught I had a worm farm in my classroom.  
Then, at the end of each school year, 
I added the soil to the barrels 
in which I grew tomatoes and flowers. 
thank you, dear ones!

joining others 
at Lesley's


Connie said…
Good Morning Nonnie,
What a thoughtful gift. I use one of those gallon plastic ice cream buckets from the grocery store. When people visit they are always asking me, what's in that?
Not enough people compost.
I love your January 20th post . . . it conjured up memories and made me hungry :)
I'm a retire activity director, just enjoying my extra time and filling it with pleasurable pastimes.
Your newest follwer, Connie
P.S. please come visit, I'm having a Give-A-Way at the moment and would love to have you put your name in the hat :)
Al said…
That's a great idea for a gift!
Halcyon said…
It's nice to get something useful for Christmas!

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