“People are like stained-glass windows.
They sparkle and shine when the sun is out,
but when the darkness sets in,
their true beauty is revealed
only if there is a light from within.”
~Elisabeth Kubler-Ross~
“A thing of beauty is a joy forever:
its loveliness increases,
it will never pass into nothingness.”
~John Keats~
“Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror.”
~Khalil Gibran~
“To love beauty is to see light.”
~Victor Hugo~
“Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.”
“The pursuit of truth and beauty
is a sphere of activity in which
we are permitted to remain children all our lives.”
~Albert Einstein~
“ I don‘t think of all the misery
but of the beauty that still remains.”
~Anne Frank~
Quotes found here.
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